Friday, June 28, 2013


Ya'll know the drill. Go see the new comic!

Sadly, this is based on an actual grocery list of was the entire list.


Monday, June 24, 2013

Dice Roll 2

New Dice Roll over on the website.
It's not one I'm terribly proud of, except for the second panel, which I love. It was too ambitious an execution for a mediocre joke that's a month and a half late. I feel shame, but it's time to move forward. The next 3-6 comics are written or at least planned and they're all better than this one. They will also be more regularly posted.
So look forward to the multi-part installments of The Many Near Deaths of Aman the Wizard, he's the scared dude featured above.

Oh! You all should also checkout this comic Kickstarter by Abby Howard of Strip Search, The Last Halloween.


Thursday, June 6, 2013

Making 'em Jump

I think a couple of these guys need to be revisited, but here are some character sketches for a jumping/coin collecting mobile game.

On a completely different and somewhat solemn note-
 In this time between Mother's Day and Father's day and in conjunction with recent events in my own life I would like to give everyone a piece of advice to think on:
There are a finite amount of mom-hugs and dad-advice for all of us, take what you can get while you can get it.
