Monday, April 15, 2013


After a couple failed attempts I am finally reworking my portfolio site. No, not the one on the right of this page, a new one, THIS ONE. It's coming along, but still has a long way to go. I think the hard part is over though.
It looks better and is easier to navigate then my previous attempts. Eventually this blog will be remade in a similar fashion.

Here are some trees.

And here are 4 things I think are cool!

(1)  There is Stephen Silver's Character Design Shuffle app, I haven't tried it yet, but it looks like a great tool for artists suffering from a block. I originally read about it on (2) Micheal Bill's blog and he seemed to do well with it.
The awesome team over at (3)Penny Arcade made a reality web-show called (4)Strip Search. Basically it is America's Next Top Web Comic and I love it. It features a couple of artists I've been reading for years.

That's all for now.