Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Freelance Ear to the Ground

These are some freelance comic artists that I sorta keep my ear to the ground on every so often. They released a podcast on what they individually do business-wise when they work under contract and how the government plays in to it all. Though "podcast" is probably a glorified term, it's more like 3 friends cursing about what they did right and wrong and exchanging info infront of a mic.
It's actually really informative. Read all the books you want, sometimes it's just helpful to hear it from the horses' mouth.

Here you can find the audio only version put in 2 parts with 17minutes of preinterview banter cut out.

Here is the video with all the frills.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Slowly, but Surely

Unless something occurs to me last second, I'm done with the BG layout. Characters blocked in sorta, just need to feel 'em out and start coloring. Been a long time since I went this far with anything. I'm enjoying myself.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Apple Goblin

5 months? Okay, this is a sorta revival...

...and the proccess

Monday, July 12, 2010


There's still some stuff I wanted to add, but I think I need to focus on something else for awhile.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


Not that they're all too related, but I picked up Christopher Moore's "Coyote Blue" and a Native American frontier woman came out. Still working on it, I have too many ideas to focus today!

I also did this design interface for a Mine Sweeper smartphone game. Ultimately turned down, but it was an exercise in mimicing styles and I'm pleased with it.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Oh, Ms. Kyle...

Still working on it. Next step, BACKGROUND!

Also, this painting that makes no kind of sense.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Some Stuff I'm Working On

This is a peek at some of the stuff I'm working on. I'm putting in sample bids left and right and hoping to hear something back.

Work in progress, drying curly hair.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Inappropriate Hand Signs?

Just putting in illustration bids in for a creative gigs on craigslist.

So, I put my big girl pants on and pulled together 3 example illustrations yesterday afternoon to send in. After sleeping on it I'm really please with their cohesiveness. I hope to hear something back.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Kite Cometh!

So...I finished something with a background!
Not so impressive I know, but I'm getting on track looking for a new job and applying to try and get some freelance stuff going. I wanted to tray something digital that looked like cutouts...a different style.
I need a job more engaging than stocking shoes at Macy's. If I didn't have to move a year ago, I'd still be at Barns & Noble.
I just finished a logo for my web designer friend Joey Roberts, find her link to the left. Her page is being revamped, the new logo will be up when the page is.

Also here's a ton of other stuff to look at!

Some life stuff!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


100% Flash CS3

Body Love

Something I did a few months back for fun. Just to branch out. Revatively pleased with how it came out for some quick ink.

And the second was done in 2 minutes in responce to someone being sad about the waist to hip ratio of the first set. She's cute damnit! She gets her own spread.